Client Testimonials
There is great satisfaction in knowing you've done your job well and served your clients' interests. It gives us particular satisfaction when our clients take the time to acknowledge their satisfaction by providing Blue Fountain Media with their testimonials.
The unrelenting focus placed on high quality has led Warrior to earn the confidence of some of the most stringent organisations in the world. As a result, Warrior has been awarded with globally recognised certifications & approvals.

National Aluminium Co. Ltd.
(NALCO) Korapur (Odisha)
Yes, wear Liberty Warrior Shoe for Safety of you and your family i.e. WARRIOR shoe is Worry Free.

Gujarat State Electricity Corpn. Ltd. (GETCO)
Gandhinagar (Gujarat)
I/We like only LIBERTY Shoes.

Renault Nissan
Chennai-45 (Tamil Nadu)
"LIBERTY Shoes are remarkable and will be liked by most persons."